Monday, October 8, 2018

Week 11: The Lord is INDEED hastening His work!!!!!!! 10/8/2018

Another week, another fortune!! Am I right??? Well, I can't believe it is the start of another new week. These weeks are going by heart beat after heart beat!! It was good to hear from you all and get your take on what happened in this year's General Conference! It was a really unique conference to say the least!! These last few conferences have been solid evidence of the Lord hastening his work to prepare for the time of the second coming!! It is right around the corner ladies and gentlemen!! Start preparing if you haven't already!! The shorten church time is not for the purpose of going home and having an extra hour of your Sunday nap! haha! But it is to deepen our conversion and to strengthen our faith as we study within our homes!! Also with the announcement of 12 new temples!! That is pretty crazy! I have never heard them announce that many all at once!! I love hearing from our prophet and his invitation to come or stay on the covenant path. In my own words, "to keep on keeping on!" Got to watch a session with our investigators, Kerry and Lisa Ollivers. You can tell that they have never experienced anything like that before. There were some really good talks that I hope they were able to get a lot out of. Missionaries can't control what is going on in the minds of other people which kinda sux! Haha!

Well, conference was definitely the high light of my week!! With the work this week, it was a little slower than usual, but things like that happen. Just trying super hard every day to not be sooo upset with myself. We set new goals every week of how we wanted to find new people to teach. Whenever I set an expectation for myself and am not able to achieve it, I tend to get a little too hard on myself!! I am working really hard on improving that and to just be a little more patient with myself. Perfection doesn't come over night. It takes an eternity to obtain it!! 

So, we got a few new investigators this week!! We have been trying to get with this guy named Adrian for a while!! He seemed soooo interested the first time we met him, but that was weeks ago. We have tried him almost every other day since then and he is never home, We finally got with him this last week! He still seems super interested in us and tells us all the time how much we are an inspiration to him. We talked with him a lot about prophets and how God continues to call prophets even in our day. Gave him an invitation to watch genereal conference so he kind find the difference of what makes a prophet more unique than other church pastors or preachers!! Hopefully we can see him again this week and teach him more about how we have re established the pattern of prophets back on the Earth again!! With Tiffany, the screaming lady, she is gonna be really hard to teach. She has always had trouble believing God. She was a member of a church, but she has told us how she has lost hope. She doesn't believe we existed before we were born, nor that we will exist after death. She seems to know these things pretty well, but is having trouble believing them. She asked us sooooo many questions. Questions I could not even answer!! We invited her to read the plan of salvation pamphlet to see if it would answer any of her questions. Lastly, we had a really good lesson with another investigator named Talon last night. He hasn't been reading the book of mormon like we have asked him to do. We told him the only way you are gonna find out for yourself if all of this is true is by reading it. He said he will try a little harder to find the time to do it. Gave him a lesson on faith and repentance. Told him that we are all human, we all make mistakes. We challenged him to along with his personal prayers, to take time to ask for forgiveness from God. We all sin, sometimes we do it with out even knowing it! That is why we should always be repenting ever day of our lives!!

Tomorrow is zone conference. It will be up in OKC so I got a long drive ahead of me. We are heading up there tonight and staying with other missionaries up in that area!! Well I hope everything with y'all is running smoothly! Love you guys!! Have another fun and safe week!!!

Elder Weese
P.S. Next week is zone P-day on Monday so expect my email to come on Tuesday next week!:)

1) I want to be a cow for Halloween
2) The old times live on, #carnivalhelper
3) Conference views!!!

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