Thursday, April 18, 2019

Week 38: This Week Was a Jiffy!! 4/15/2019

What's up?? Wow, another quick week just went by. Bare with me, I am gonna try my best to remember everything that happened this week to the best of my ability, it's hard to remember things on the weeks that were way fast. Anyways, Easter is in a week!! I hope ya'll are excited to celebrate the Resurrection of our Savior. Literally, Easter is a huge thing especially here in the Bible belt! There are signs from all churches everywhere saying “come celebrate Easter with us.” I'm way pumped for it! Literally I love the because of him videos where it lists all of the hardships that we encounter in life, like death, misery, contention, and how the Savior has overcome that so he could help us overcome that. John 16:33 says that the world will be filled with all sorts of tribulations, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. I know that because of the Savior, we can dominate this world and all the Temporal things it has to offer.

Elder Neff and I were invited to life church this last Saturday by this person named Josh who agreed to go on a church swap. So he will be coming to our church one of these weeks. I don't know if any of you know what life church is but it is a huge, growing church in Oklahoma. Literally the first 30 minutes it felt like I was in a rock concert. They played a ton of music and it was the first church service I have ever attended where they offered to give us ear plugs before we went in. Not your typical church service. Then at the end, a man named pastor Craig came on video and gave us a sermon about, “things Jesus did not say.” Literally pastor Craig is one of the best public speakers I have ever listened to! He was very entertaining and knew how to get his congregation rolling! The whole time I was worried because I felt like Josh is gonna think our church is super boring! But the very next day, when it was time for our service, the thing that stood out to me that was missing in the life church was the Holy Ghost. Ya, loud music probably makes ya feel good and Pastor Craig can be very inspiring, but no ear splitting music or preaching pastor will ever be strong enough to overpower the influence of the Holy Ghost. There was an 11 year old deacon who was up there giving a talk, literally didn't look up at the congregation once, and I was way more touched by his talk then pastor Craig's uplifting and motivating talk! He had a special spirit he brought, and that all talks we had yesterday! If we come to church and we are truly searching for the Holy Spirit, we are gonna find it and notice the greatness of peace in our lives!

Well, another cool thing that happened was, we were at 50+ consecutive no's when it came to knocking on doors, and this last Thursday that streak was broken. We didn't just set one return appointment, but two! One, who's name is Victor, is a pastor for a 7th day Adventist. He was way enthused and excited that we were there talking with him. He embraced our invitation to have a Bible study with him in a few weeks, so that is something we have to look forward to. Really nice guy! Then the other was this lady named Lori! She is part of the catholic church, she was really interested in learning more about the book of Mormon and insisted that we come back the next day to drop it off to her. That was a success as well because we gave her a brief restoration lesson as well and asked her if she was willing to read the Book of Mormon to find out if it is true or not. She said yes, and we will be meeting with her on Wednesday! Hopefully we can see some good progress come with that. We also taught the Jeffery family this last week and Mia is super close to baptism. Right now, they are just trying to find when the most convenient day is that they could have that. But I am excited that we are really close to having another baptism!

Well, This week was super awesome! I'm so pleased with the effort that we have been putting in this transfer and now it has finally been paying off! This weekend we get the calls for the next transfer (I know… Already??) I am looking forward to what this week has to offer. Thank you all for your amazing love and support! I hope you guys have a great week!!

Elder Weese

1,2) Story time with the campus grandma!
3) Elder Badger!!
4) UCO campus
5) Greenies in the back!!!
6) True mugs!!

1,2) It's a Rat!!
3) Only in Arcadia, OK!
4) Cool Cat!!
5) Cool rain pic!!

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