Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Week 81: Good Times!! 3/2/2020

Hey everyone! How's it going this fine week?? I can't believe another week has flown by and that we are about to start another. I'm doing good here in Wagoner, the bed bug situation has been well taken care of, but this week we were challenged with a new challenge. It feels like one thing always stacks on top of the other, haha. This last weekend, Elder Roetker and I both received food poisoning from a Mexican restaurant we ate at and we were throwing up all through the night. Also, are toilet stopped working during that as well so we had to move it over to our bathtub. It was a helk of a night to say the least and I'm glad that it's over. It will be a funny time for the memories for sure though!

Things in Wagoner are still going very good. Our branch president, President Mobley, just got back from his cancer treatment down in Houston and is doing really well. I was astonished by how helpful he is to missionaries and how he can get things done. He seems like such a great leader and the branch is very lucky to have him. Now that he is back, Rob can now be baptized and he's thinking of a day when he wants to do it, but it will be in at least 2 weeks. That's going to be awesome and I'm very excited for it.

We also had a good week trying to find new people to teach and we found 2 pretty solid people this week and have started to teach them. The first one, Linda, we have already been back over and we will be going back again this Wednesday. She had interacted with missionaries before, but I think everyone in this small town has done at some point in their lives. We talked a lot about the spirit world and how it serves as an opportunity for those who didn't hear about Christ, to hear about him there. She didn't really like the idea because she thinks that diminishes the purpose of this world and that it gives people an easy way out who decide not to repent. She agreed to have us back to explain more and we also told her how God expects us to immediately act once we know what the right thing is to do, in other words, not to procrastinate repentance. So the Spirit World doesn't serve as an easy way out because the same spirit which possesses are bodies here go to the spirit world, so we will have the same desires and passions and if we aren't going to repent here, then we sure aren't going to repent there. She seemed to have a clear understanding as we taught the rest of the plan of salvation and we left her with a few challenges, like praying about it which she is down to do. I'm excited to go back!!!

The other person we met was named Sam and we haven't been back yet but we will be going back on Wednesday as well. We talked a lot about churches on his doorstep and why he thinks there is so many. I think he is an honest seeker of truth and he tells us that it could be possible that there is just one church out there that holds all the truth. It was a pretty good conversation and I'm interested to see what he gains from meeting with us!! Zone conference was this week as well and it was good to hear from everyone, our president and fellow missionaries. We talked a lot about the restoration and how much things would be different without it. When I think of that, I also think about what my life would be like without deciding to come out here on a mission. My life has been blessed by it in many undeniable ways and I'm super grateful that I had the opportunity to come out here and serve. I now have a clearer vision for what I want in my life and what kind of people I want around me. 

Well, it was a blessed week! I can't wait to take part in another one. I love you guys and hope to talk later!

Elder Weese

1) Walkin around Wagoner!
2) Dinner with the Schnieders!
3-4) Funny house decorations
5) Keep the 10 Commandments people!!
6-7) Bacon time!
8) Nice Dog for comforts!!

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